I was amazed by how many pages I remembered instantly, where I was, how tired, or happy, or anxious the words made me at the time. When I hauled those bags out to the recycling bin, and there will be more of them, I poured in those pieces of paper and I knew these things:
- I really didn't need to keep most of that paper in the first place.
- I now have a digital copy if I ever need it again.
- My brain has a lot more room in it now that it is not holding on to "Where is that specific paper from 2004?"
It is obvious that being hopeful is never a mistake. Before we used the words "presume competence," I can see that we tried, and as we've grown in understanding, we've expanded our thinking, changed our behavior, and developed expectations for ourselves and our family.
We're not done figuring things out, but at least I know there's a little more room to do it now.
It's Autism Acceptance month at Thinking Person's Guide to Autism. This month we're asking our autistic friends and community members What Do You Want? What Do You Need? We'll be featuring their answers all month long, and if you'd like to be a part of it, please email us at thinkingautism at gmail dot com.
If you haven't joined our Facebook community, get in while the gettin's good. We've doubled in size since January 1 of this year!