This was the hair Jake had this morning.. completely untouched. Last night I took some medicine that made me pass out until about 4am, so it *is* possible that he went clubbing while the rest of the family slept.
We had Jake's IEP yesterday. It was so fantastic to hear things like, "He has so much receptive language. We really need to focus on how he can better communicate his needs to us." They've also noticed Jake's sense of humor. And you know what else? He's not getting away with his "I drop on the floor to get what I want" bit. We have a behavioral plan in place. The schoool district has been wonderful, and broght the software that had been ordered for Jake last year. The system is called Intellitools
and I have no idea how to use it, but I am going to work on it this week at home and then teach his teachers and the SLP at school.