Ask Mrs. Obama to help form an Autism Corps. Please sign the petition and while you're at it, join the Facebook group!
30 July, 2009
WunderSkool Here We Come!
29 July, 2009
Only Want to Say It Once.
26 July, 2009
Our Anniversary

Descartes and I have made it another year. Phew. We had a lovely dinner at a New Orleans style restaurant with delicious food and fantastic service. I told the restaurant that it was our anniversary and we had a great table and were each promptly served a glass of champagne. I love champagne, and I really appreciate it when businesses do that one small thing that can make a customer feel special. It probably did not cost them very much for that champagne, but I will happily recommend the restaurant to anyone.

25 July, 2009
24 July, 2009
23 July, 2009
Things that Make Mommy Want to Double up on the Wellbutrin
- Clock reads 7:54am and I can see that with my head on the pillow next to Descartes' head, and I can see he has his eyes closed. Jake should be at school at 8:00am. [family flies out of beds and races around]
- Being told that Jake "hit" a woman in the hall yesterday.
- Upon further questioning, discovering that perhaps Jake just had his arms spread out wide and grazed her as they were walking through the wall.
- Being told that the difference between hitting someone and grazing them as you walk past is "semantics".
- Trying to leave an environment before you "graze" someone, and trying to endure people who want to chat with you.
- Bursting into tears in front of your toddler.
- Explaining to a little sister that their big brother is very unhappy.
- Hearing the little sister explain to me that "Jake just doesn't want to go to the classroom with BB because I don't think hims likes her."
21 July, 2009
Christina Chew Posts on the Autism Corps
18 July, 2009
15 July, 2009
AND... patience wins again.
14 July, 2009
Hope. Fail. Wish. Cry. Pray. Wait.
Let nothing disturb thee. (Nada te turbe)And today it spoke to me, because it feels like there are so many things out of my control in my life right now. I have a little, or even a lot of input into each, but the final way things go is dependent on someone else, and I do not like that feeling. I want to shape or fix or make happen Jake's fall placement for school, my precocious daughter's defiant behavior, my husband's need for a challenging career, the ever-growing amount of paperwork, the budget cuts, my son's toilet training, our summer camping trip, the amount I pay Verizon wireless each month.
Let nothing frighten thee. (Nada te espante)
All things pass away. (Todo se pasa)
God never changes. (Dios no se muda)
Patience attains all things. (La paciencia todo lo alcanza)
He who has God lacks nothing. (Quien a Dios tiene nada le falta)
God alone suffices. (Solo Dios basta)
12 July, 2009
Taking Action: Autism Corps
Because having a special needs kid and a toddler and a husband and searching for a new school for Jake .... and SUMMER just isn't enough, Squid and I have decided to take on this little thing: We have created a petition asking Michelle Obama to meet with us, to discuss creating an Autism Corps based on the Teach for America Model.
There are not enough trained professionals to serve all of the families who are affected by autism, and when we can find help, it is often out of reach financially.. because let's face it, if you add "bridal" or "special needs" in front of anything it costs at least twice as much. There are adults with autism who just need a little help, and there are single-parent families with three autistic children in three places on the spectrum who would certainly benefit from even a few hours of respite or therapy. An Autism Corps could allow parents a break or help an adult with autism live more independently. I know this doesn't address the entire special-needs community, but it's a start. Let's start somewhere.
We welcome feedback from all families affected by autism, and from autistics themselves. How could the Autism Corps make a difference in your life? You can comment below, or even better leave a comment next to your signature on the petition.
Petition excerpts:
"We would like to propose that Michelle Obama meet with Shannon Des Roches Rosa and Jennifer Byde Myers, two parents representing two very different autism families' perspectives, to discuss creating an Autism Corps or other measure that will address one of the most pressing needs of families affected by autism: one-to-one in-home support.
"We would like to discuss taking those three factors and combining them into a nationwide organization dedicated to training volunteers to aid kids and adults with autism: an Autism Corps, based on the Teach For America urgent action model, to provide autism families in need with between four and fourteen hours of weekly care."
Please forward this post to anyone who might be interested.
07 July, 2009
How You Know When Your Mom Watches Late Night Television
Hi jennyaliceI just ordered you the Shark steam floor mop (the new fancy one)... I think you will like it.It should arrive in a week or so,Momma*************************We are very sad around our house because our doggie died yesterday, so the Shark steam floor mop my mom ordered is really a very sweet gesture. I'm in my offoce (Peet's Coffee) so I can't type about Bilbo the dog because I already cry in public often enough in my town.
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.