I took Jake to the doctor today and confirmed that yes, he has a major sinus infection. Poor boy. He's been sick since March third. Hopefully we will wipe it out this time. It probably doesn't help his sinuses that the Peninsula has been in full blossom mode, from the beautiful tulips in my front yard (insert picture here when I manage to finally have a moment to take a damn picture of friggin' flowers before all of the petals fall off and I am left with scraggly remnants of faded spring.)to the wild mustard and various other grasses which have let loose their allergens. My house has been a sneeze fest.
Descartes is really sick too, but at least he doesn't have strep.. he was tested this morning.
Jake is on spring break for two weeks, so it is at least good that I don't have the daily debate of whether I should send him to school. We will be in Tahoe for Easter, but don't really have other plans. I'm sure there are other families that go somewhere on spring break, and someday I hope that's us, but for now we are cleaning up the backyard and will make a few trips to Johnny Rockets, maybe a visit to the Cal Academy and another trip to the beach.
In other news, Lucy is pretty much potty trained (finally!). She is still figuring out that holding your groin and crossing your legs indicates to nearly everyone else that you
do need to go to the bathroom. She started this process officially two weekends ago when we had a wonderful day trip up to the North Bay. We had an amazing day.

We were driving through Occidental when something just flicked on in her head and she said she needed to stop and go potty. We went in to a
cafe where there was an antechamber where people squished together waiting for the unisex bathroom. We waited behind a precious French girl and her Momma, chatting away, oblivious that we understood what they were saying until I said "Oui" when the little girl asked "Elle fait besoin d'aller à la WC?" or something like that. The mom smiled a nice smile not one of those how dare you overhear-our-conversation-even-though-we were-talking-about-you-and-to-you-in-another-language looks. ANywhooo.. Lucy went "peepee in the pot-
ty pee pee in the pot-
tee" (that's a little song now) and as she was exiting the restroom she said in a somewhat loud and certainly enthusiastic voice "I went pee in the toy-wlet!" The entire little room (which was now packed!) clapped or cheered or told her congratulations, including a young man who was probably 17-19, and so would normally not care at all about something so
juvenile. He said "Great job! Congratulations!" Now that was precious.
Okay and precious.. do you want to know precious? Lucy was seriously the sweetest darling at the little birthday party we went to last Saturday. I know it should be no big deal that she went to some

little 3 year old's party, but this little girl Sadie is Lucy's first friend that I had nothing to do with. Yes, I chose the day care, but Lucy made the friend. This is not a younger sister of a special needs sibling who went to early intervention with Jake, or the youngest of my best friend, or the much older kid whose mom I love, or her cousin... Sadie is Lucy's friend. Actually Sadie and Lucy are the best of friends.. frick and frack. they even look alike. So Lucy was invited to Sadie's "Puppy Party".
It was a very sweet party. Lucy doesn't have her hat on in that picture, but there were little hats with ears, and oh were they cute. This last photo is Lucy when there was some free play time, which, by the way, was awesome, the whole party was just fun and relaxed. Lucy went inside the house and asked another mommy to help her put on this lovely outfit... clearly she's my daughter.