The girls were both precious and rotten when I took them to the Cal Academy today. Lucy had trouble being sympathetic to Lil' Miss when she was having some need to control her environment by declaring things "scary". "Why are you scared of the fish when they are so beautiful?" I was inclined to agree with Lucy, but we left just the same. The girls sat nicely art lunch and ate some fish instead... .followed by cupcakes. I am not into denying Lil' Miss anything this week., and if this is the hardest thign in my life right now I am truly blessed.
Although I am having trouble writing lately. Not just because my house has been filled, but because my mind is tired of planning things out. You know those: Big Life Things. Things like college accounts, and major repairs and medical bills and investments and the recycling. It sort of feels a bit overwhelming to plan out 5 paragraphs in a row. I think everythign is okay, but them I wake up in the middle of the night and remember somethign else that needs to come together.
Liek all of Jake's new technology...his talkers need ot go on the wall, and Jake got an awesome new touch screen monitor for Christmas. I just got some kiddie software that he likes (apparently) from speech therapy at school, so I am hoping this can be an activity we can do together, because his new favorite thing is not my favorite...
lately, in addition to needing to be in the backyard allthetimealways even when it goes below 50 degrees.. he is standing in the corner of the yard and peering through the fence into the neighbor's yard. There isn't anyone there, and the neighbor would not mind at all if Jake was found out, but it creeps me out a bit. It is especially a good view after the sun goes down because the neighbor has those lights that are solar powered and glow blue.. so it looks like little floating blue dots in the darkness. Honestly he does go to the corner mostly after the sun goes down.. in the brief time before dinner when it's dark but he can still sort of see. Maybe if I tell them what the lights actually are he will not be so intrigued, but when I was his age I still wanted to believe in fairies and gnomes (even though Santa was so clearly my parents), maybe I will hold off and just let him peer into the lights a bit longer.
I still want to believe in fairies and gnomes. A little magic could do us all some good.