19 September, 2008

Real Women

support other women. Here's an idea I just had forwarded to me.

I made the gift to honor "All Women" but admit I did have the acknowledgment sent to Sarah Palin c/o McCain Headquarters:


Here's an idea for $10, or even $5 (that's the minimum).

In addition to sending more emails about our Palin concerns, let's all
make a donation to Planned Parenthood.

In Sarah Palin's name.

And here's the good part: when you make a donation to Planned
Parenthood in her name, they'll send her a card telling her that
the donation has been made in her honor.

You'll need to fill in the address to let Planned Parenthood know
where to send the "in Sarah Palin's honor" card. I suggest
you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters, which is:

McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22202

P.S. Make sure you use the link below and choose "Honorary or
Memorial Donations" -- not the regular "Donate Online". Here is the
secure link to the Planned Parenthood website:

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