- i clean before the housekeeper comes.
- i hire a housekeeper.
- i pray.
- i paint my toenails or even worse.. i pay someone else to do it.
- i purchase Zout
, Shout
and other stain removing liquids in a vain attempt to keep our clothes looking new and vibrant.
- i think that some day we will have more disposable income than we do today.
- i speak French to Lucy..or what I recall to be French which is now more likely Spanglench (Spanish, English and French... Frengspan perhaps?).
- i pick up paint chips and design magazines.
- i write my thoughts down for everyone else to see.
- i tell my mom that we are fine. i tell my in-laws that we are great.
- i sort things like this: 'keep', 'toss', donate' and 'sell on eBay' .
- i keep thinking that any day now we are going to "hit our stride" with our careers, our marriage and our kids.
- i plant flower seeds in a garden without functioning sprinklers.
- i have always believed that hard work coupled with all the smarts you can muster will get you pretty close to where you want to go in life.
- i have two bundt cake pans
and an angel food cake pan, and a commercial chafing dish
in my pantry /baking area.. and have no foreseeable occasion to use any of them.
- i blog when I am in distress.
24 July, 2007
Pointless Things I Do:
autism blog,
all writing by me © 2004-21 (unless otherwise noted)
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.
The opinions on this blog are my own, and in no way represent the many groups, foundations and communities with whom my name may be associated.